Welcome to our virtual site-specific promenade adventure across the globe
A meditation on public/private and the nature of theatre. Beautiful
Viewer from USA
Included in the 27th Cairo International Festival of Experimental Theatre

**Click here to Journey to our Illyria**
(the link takes you to our What You Will micro-site)
What You Will is a step towards a virtual theatrical promenade, a fresh approach to online performance.
This is not a re-telling of the story of Twelfth Night. This is an exploration of mood, of motif and humanity: a collage of mind states of the play’s characters, shipwrecked in their own lives.
Olivia is grieving
Viola is walking
Malvolio is maddening
Belch is waking
Andrew is shadow boxing
Maria Ambition is pretending
Maria Opportunism is dancing
Orsino is transforming
Feste is observing
Every visitor may choose which character to visit with, and visit with all characters, as many times as they wish.
Come & explore a corner of the world-country of Illyria!
Nine players devised their timeline in isolation, and performed with audience members sitting or walking with them, while simultaneously live-streaming to audiences around the world.
Filmed in Japan, India, Europe, the UK, the USA, & Canada, visit and observe fragments of their life’s story, music & song their only guide, in a time out of joint.
Take a different path through Illyria, as many times as you like.
Come & turn the mundane into the extraordinary.
Prismatic theatre.
Viewer from the UK
This Digital Performance is Free For All (or Donate What You Will)
View the What You Will Digital Exhibition
View the Advisory Note on the Content for our What You Will Re-Live the Experience website
Share your journey through Illyria in our What You Will Visitor’s Book!
View the Credits for What You Will
What You Will was Performed Live on 8th August, 2020
Re-live & re-mix the experience from
15th August, 2020
Please view & share our Press Release
(available in many languages)

And – sign up to our mailing list!
Brilliant individual performances. I wanted to visit with everyone. Coming back for the shows later today, and looking forward to the website version!”
Viewer from London
We needed to be active! Avant-garde? Interesting experiences…
Viewer from Tokyo
I had watched in one room; my wife in another. Afterwards we compared notes: which of us saw which bits? The involvement and excitement continued into our own world – which is exactly what theatre should be doing. We found it breathtaking.
Viewer from Wales